Bethlehem Academy 2023 - 2024
  Allen, Celia - Math Instructor   507-334-3948  
  Coller, Caryn - Social Studies Instructor   507-334-3948 x 232  
  Smisek, Julie - Science Instructor   507-334-3948 x 236  
  Anderson, Tammy - Administrative Assistant     
  Friesen, Ed - Activities Director/Technology Director/Math   507-334-3948 x 205  
  Smith, Katie - MS Counselor   507-334-3948 x.242  
  Ashley, Katy   507-334-3948  
  Gigante, Kenneth - Middle School Teacher   507-334-3948 x238  
  Tatge, Loren - Maintenance   507-334-3948  
  Battles, Kallie - Science Instructor   507-334-3948 x. 231  
  Gilmore, David - Math Instructor   507-334-3948  
  Tondryk, Rachel - Spanish Instructor   507-334-3948 x.215  
  Battles, Lynette - Math Instructor   507-334-3948 x.235  
  Johnson, Maxwell - Industrial Arts/Ag Instructor   507-334-3948 x.224  
  Uphus, Stephen - Guidance Counselor   507-334-3948 x.217  
  Bengen, Michael - Physical Education/Health Instructor     
  Kohl, Kris - Learning Resource Room Specialist   507-334-3948 x.233  
  Wollersheim, John - Principal   507-334-3948 x.225  
  Beske, Jolene - Business Ed   507-334-3948 x.247  
  Lebens, Teresa - Advancement Assistant   507-334-3948  
  Wollin, Dave     
  Bjornson, Christian - Social Studies Instructor   507-334-3948  
  Lorence, Brad - Band Instructor   507-334-3948 x.227  
  Zabel, Brent - Science Instructor   507-334-3948 x 260  
  Busse, Gary - Science Instructor   507-334-3948 x 239  
  Moon, Lisa - Business Manager   507-334-3948 x.209  
  Cicha, Emily - Choir Instructor   507-334-3948 x.200  
  Rysdam, Jon - Food Service   507-334-3948 x.208  
  Sauer, Kris - Director of Advancement/Director of Admissions   507-334-3948 x.206  
  Thomas, Sr. Teresa - Advancement Assistant   507-334-3948  
  Hillesheim, Jason - Art Instructor   507-334-3948 x 213  
  Donlon, Celeste - English/Theology Instructor   507-334-3948 x 241  
  Piehl, Shari - English Instructor   507-334-3948 x 212  
Food Service
  Donahue, Tammy - Food Service   507-334-3948  
  Zabel, Steve - Director of Building & Grounds   507-334-3948 x 220  
  Cina, Angela - English Instructor   507-334-3948 x 246