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Family Focus 1-7-2022

date 01/11/2022 author Kris Sauer category January 2022, 2021-22 comment Leave a comment

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)

January 7, 2022

Dear BA Families:

Happy New Year! January is always a busy month for Catholic schools. Many events and activities are already on our schedule. We look forward to our student artwork on display starting today at the Paradise Center for the Arts, the DMCS/BA Spelling Bee next Thursday, a Knowledge Bowl meet, sporting events, author visit, SnoBall and Catholic Schools' Week. Check the calendar below for upcoming events.

Tuition Approved for 2022-23: The Bethlehem Academy Board members aspire to keep tuition low and increase scholarships while ensuring that staff salaries and benefits are improved. Thanks to fundraising efforts and increased enrollment in partnership with all of our school families, alumni, and donors, this next year tuition will only increase by 1%. A detailed letter will be sent out separately next week with specific information and updates.

Parent Programs: Please find links and information for two special parent resources to support you especially during some of the challenges our families have been experiencing. Father Louie will be leading a parent session to help guide you this winter. See below for all the details and to sign up. Through our counseling partnership with Phoenix Counseling, parents also have access to additional resources with a Catholic focus. Please visit their website for videos and resources as part of the "Peace of Mind" for families supported by Catholic Schools' Center of Excellence. (Link to website). 

COVID Updates: MASKS REQUIRED for the next two weeks due to the high rates in our County and State and increased numbers in the BA community. Masks will be required while at school and at Mass through Jan. 21st. We will re-evaluate at the end of these two weeks. This week BA had seven scholars with positive COVID cases and nine students in quarantine. Since the start of the school year we have had 41 COVID positive student cases and 7 staff test positive. Find COVID testing sites HERE; one free at-home testing box available for all BA students. Stop in the front office to pick one up. 

ADDITIONAL MASK DONATIONS NEEDED! Please bring to the front office if you are able to help.


  • BA BASH Raffle 2021: Congratulations to our winners! 1st prize - Jon & Selena Hager; 2nd prize - Conrad & Ardyce Bahe; 3rd prize - Mark Duchene. Thank you to all participants - we raised $12,000!
  • Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift. The stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more. To date they are over $6 million!
  • Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $216,300. We are over 87% of the way to our goal of $255,000. THANK YOU FOR TRIPLING YOUR DONATION! If you haven't given, yet, please consider a gift through June 2022: Donate Online (click)  

KUDOS: To student artists Grace Kelzer, Karlie DeGrood, Reagan Kangas, Gabriella Banks, Kacie Hofius, Summer Heselton, Vincent Vollbrecht, Zachary Velishek, Mallorie Pavek, Jonathon Vold, Camryn Belmont, Fernando Reyes, Brooklyn Becker, and Lucy Cunningham, whose artworks go on display today at the Corey Lyn Creger art gallery at the Paradise Center for the Arts.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
  • Jan 7: Paradise Center for the Arts student gallery opening reception, 5-7pm
  • Jan 7: Youth Basketball/Future Cardinal night @ girls game
  • Jan 11: Dining Night Out @ Godfather's for Prom
  • Jan. 13 - 8:30 a.m.: Spelling Bee in BA Gym
  • Jan 14: Knowledge Bowl Contest
  • Jan. 16: Morristown Prom Pancake Breakfast
  • Jan 17-18: NO SCHOOL, MLK & Teacher Workshop Day 
  • Jan 28: Youth Basketball/Future Cardinal Night @ boys basketball game; sign up HERE
  • Jan 29: SnoBall (Gr 9-12 semi-formal girl-ask-boy dance, see more info in high school section below)
  • Jan 30-Feb 6: Catholic Schools Week
  • Feb 13: Winter Open House; pre-register HERE
  • Find our event school calendar on our website HERE 
Please join us in prayers for healing, mental health of students, and for our staff and scholars as we begin Semester 2. Special praise and thanksgiving for a large Trust gift to our school.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal


FACTS Parent Portal Set Up:  If you haven't logged in to FACTS recently, a reminder that you will have to "set up" your FACTS Family Portal to access your accounts. Username is your full email address; previously set up password should work. Find full instructions HERE.

2022-2023 Re-enrollment & Financial Aid: 2022-2023 re-enrollment for returning students will open next week via FACTS. Watch your email for further information. Financial aid applications are now available for 2022-2023. Apply via TADS at this link & click on Financial Aid Assessment to get started. Application deadline is February 22 to be considered for all available scholarships. 

Host Family Needed! We are seeking a host family for Yerim, 7th gr Catholic girl from South Korea, who wishes to join us at BA this school year. Stipends provided, tuition/fees/expenses paid by the family. Contact Kris Sauer or Haewon at KoAm (720-339-7710 and/or by email at if interested.

Mental Health Resources: We know that at this time we are seeing an increase in the mental health needs of our scholars. Here is a link to Rice County resources

Online School Store @ Star Sports & Apparel! BA has opened at school store at Star Sports and Apparel. Orders are filled as they are placed, so purchase your BA gear any time! Click HERE to for all the great options!

January Youth Basketball Nights: Youth basketball teams, prospective Cardinals, DMCS families all invited to join us! Sign up HERE.  

Home Basketball Game Help Needed:  Many volunteers are needed to help at home basketball games this winter.  Please consider sharing your time and talent in support of our student activities!


SnoBall Dance Info: The Jan 29 SnoBall is a girl-ask-boy (Sadie Hawkins) semi-formal dance for students in grades 9-12. Typically, the girls purchase a tie for their date that matches their dress. The girls arrange for a bouquet and boutonniere with a local florist that the boy picks up and pays for the day of the dance. Boys wear a dress shirt (many choose black), tie and nice pants; girls wear semi-formal dresses. Couples usually go out to dinner with a group of friends prior to the Grand March. Parents and guests gather in the gym at 8pm for the Grand March, where participating couples are introduced and the SnoBall Queen is crowned. Usually, the Mother-Son/Father-Daughter dance follows coronation, then parents and guests depart and the dance begins.


Aim Higher Foundation K-8 Scholarships: Every year, students at Bethlehem Academy (Faribault, MN) receive tuition assistance scholarships from the Aim Higher Foundation. We would like to thank the many donors and friends who help make our great school accessible to all families! Learn more HERE. Apply via the TADS financial aid application HERE and click on Financial Aid Assessment.

Parents, Your Children Need You! Join Fr. Louie for a 10-session book study of Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues by Leila Miller & Trent Horn.  We will explore topics including: Homosexuality, Sex Outside of Marriage, Divorce, Contraception, Abortion, Reproductive Technologies, Modesty, Pornography, and Transgender Identity. Focus will be on: What does the Church teach? As well as advice for talking with children and advice for talking with teens. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 7:15pm – 8:30pm on the IC/Divine Mercy School campus beginning January 12. Registration is required. Click HERE for more information and registration.

Part-time Positions @ Bethlehem Academy
We have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball. Please email if interested.


8th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Writing Contest: Click HERE to find a flyer for the MLK writing contest. We're looking for student poems or essays (150 words max) on MLK's dream speech and what it means to the writer. Cash prizes will be awarded for 6th - 8th grades and 9th - 12th grades. Winners will be announced at the breakfast on 1/17. Entries need a student's full name, phone number, grade, your name, and school. Student entries must be submitted by Friday, January 7, 2022.

River Bend Nature Center Internships: 
River Bend Nature Center is taking applications for two internship positions - one this spring (March to May) and this summer (June-July). Applicants must be 18 or older to apply. Click
HERE for the spring internship (applications due Jan 21) and HERE for the summer internship (applications due Feb 18).

Equipped for Life Event: On February 5, the Archdiocese and the Minnesota Catholic Conference are sponsoring Equipped for Life: A Fresh Approach to Conversations About Abortion at the University of St. Thomas. The day will equip attendees with practical tools and the confidence to engage pro-choice advocates who defend abortion with arguments based in difficult circumstances, biology, personhood, or bodily autonomy.  To learn more and register, please visit:

Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE

Click the link below for the calendar.


Family Focus 12/17/21

date 01/05/2022 author Kris Sauer category 2021-22, December 2021 comment Leave a comment

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)

December 17, 2021

Dear BA Families:

Blessed third week of Advent. This week at Mass not only did we celebrate Advent, but we honored Mary through the remembrance of her appearance to Juan Diego, as "Our Lady of Guadalupe." God ensures that His message is brought to people all over the world - "Go and make disciples of all nations!" What a wonderful time of year to celebrate His message.

2021 Christmas Video Greeting: Together with Divine Mercy Catholic School Principal Gina Ashley, MERRY CHRISTMAS from all of us at our Catholic Schools of Faribault. Watch the Christmas greeting video HERE

Parent Programs: Please find links and information for two special parent resources to support you especially during some of the challenges our families have been experiencing. Father Louie will be leading a parent session to help guide you this winter. See below for all the details and to sign up. Through our counseling partnership with Phoenix Counseling, parents have access to additional resources with a Catholic focus. Please visit their website for videos and resources as part of the "Peace of Mind" for families supported by Catholic Schools' Center of Excellence. (Link to website). PLEASE NOTE - BA has not received any Tik Tok threats but takes all posted concerns seriously working with families, counselors and the County when needed. If you see or hear of any concerns or threats to BA, or regarding students individually, please alert school staff. THANK YOU.

COVID Updates: Masks will be recommended but not required when we return from break. This week BA had no additional positive COVID cases and all students will be off of quarantine. Please remember this may need to be changed again if we see an increase in cases. We did, however, have several fluenza and bronchitis cases, so please monitor your child for symptoms. Since the start of the year we have had 35 Covid positive student cases and 6 staff test positive. ADDITIONAL MASK DONATIONS NEEDED! Please bring to the front office if you are able to help.


  • BA BASH Raffle 2021: It's not too late! Raffle tickets make great stocking stuffers! Prizes are $2021, $1021 and $521. You can drop off your order form in the entry way next week and still get in the drawing. Please find an order form HERE. Drawing will be held December 31-only 400 tickets remain!
  • Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift. The stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more. To date they are over $6 million!
  • Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $140,400. We are over 50% of the way to our goal of $255,000. THANK YOU! Please consider a donation through June 2022: Donate Online (click)  END OF YEAR GIFTS WILL HELP US TRIPLE OUR DONATION AND REACH $200,000 by January 31, 2022.

KUDOS: Congratulations to our bands and choirs for their beautiful Christmas concerts and special thanks to Mr. Wendt and Mr. Battles. Kudos to the following students who were nominated to play in the Gopher Conference Honor Band in February, chosen for their leadership and musicianship: Anne Azelton '25, Alaisha Garcia-Lopez '23, Penelope Parrish '24, Matthew Croke '22, and Madelyn Bauer '22. We're also celebrating our Robotics Middle School Team who will be going to State and our Knowledge Bowl placed 8th out of 19 teams at their first competition!

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
  • Dec 20-Jan 2: Christmas Break - No School
  • Jan 3: School resumes, RED day
  • Jan 7: Youth Basketball Night @ Girls home game - see below
  • Jan 11: Dining Night Out @ Godfather's for Prom
  • Jan. 13 - 8:30 a.m.: Spelling Bee in BA Gym
  • Jan 14: Knowledge Bowl Contest
  • Jan 17-18: NO SCHOOL, MLK & Teacher Workshop Day 
  • Jan 29: SnoBall (Gr 9-12 semi-formal girl-ask-boy dance)
  • Jan 30-Feb 6: Catholic Schools Week
  • Find our event school calendar on our website HERE 
  • The Salvation Army needs bell ringers: Sign up here
At this time of year I wish to thank you for partnering with Bethlehem Academy for your scholars. We treasure your partnership and wish you a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal


Rome Trip Bake Sale Dec 19: BA students going on a pilgrimage to Rome this June, are hosting a bake sale at Divine Mercy Catholic Church to fundraise their trip. Please stop by after the 8am and 10am Masses on December 19 to support these students and get delicious treats! 

FACTS Parent Portal Set Up:  If you haven't logged in to FACTS recently, a reminder that you will have to "set up" your FACTS Family Portal to access your accounts. Username is your full email address; previously set up password should work. Find full instructions

2022-2023 Re-enrollment & Financial Aid: 2022-2023 re-enrollment for returning students will open January 10 via FACTS. Watch for further information. Financial aid applications are now available for 2022-2023. Apply via TADS at
this link & click on Financial Aid Assessment to get started. Application deadline is February 22 to be considered for all available scholarships. 

Mental Health Resources: We know that at this time we are seeing an increase in the mental health needs of our scholars. Here is a link to Rice County resources

Online School Store Launched @ Star Sports & Apparel! BA has opened at school store at Star Sports and Apparel. Orders are filled as they are placed, so purchase your BA gear any time! Click HERE to for all the great options!

January Youth Basketball Nights: Youth basketball teams, prospective Cardinals, DMCS families all invited to join us! Sign up HERE.  

Home Basketball Game Help Needed:  Many volunteers are needed to help at home basketball games this winter.  Please consider sharing your time and talent in support of our student activities!


Aim Higher Foundation K-8 Scholarships: Every year, students at Bethlehem Academy (Faribault, MN) receive tuition assistance scholarships from the Aim Higher Foundation. We would like to thank the many donors and friends who help make our great school accessible to all families! Learn more HERE


DMCC Christmas Eve Candlelight Prayer Walk
“In Honor of” or “In Memory of” Luminary Bags can be purchased for $5 after Masses this weekend (Dec 18-19). The display will be set up outside of DMCC on Christmas Eve from 5-10pm. This event is sponsored by Knights of Columbus #889 with all proceeds benefiting the Sister Parish in Panajachel, Guatemala. Flyer with more information found

Parents, Your Children Need You! Join Fr. Louie for a 10-session book study of Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues by Leila Miller & Trent Horn.  We will explore topics including: Homosexuality, Sex Outside of Marriage, Divorce, Contraception, Abortion, Reproductive Technologies, Modesty, Pornography, and Transgender Identity. Focus will be on: What does the Church teach? As well as advice for talking with children and advice for talking with teens. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 7:15pm – 8:30pm on the IC/Divine Mercy School campus beginning January 12. Registration is required. Click HERE for more information and registration.

Part-time Positions @ Bethlehem Academy
Interested in a part-time position? Bethlehem Academy is currently hiring a BA van driver for driver for daily student transportation. Click HERE for more information. We also have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.


8th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Writing Contest: Click HERE to find a flyer for the MLK writing contest. We're looking for student poems or essays (150 words max) on MLK's dream speech and what it means to the writer. Cash prizes will be awarded for 6th - 8th grades and 9th - 12th grades. Winners will be announced at the breakfast on 1/17. Entries need a student's full name, phone number, grade, your name, and school. Student entries must be submitted by Friday, January 7, 2022.

Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE

Click the link below for the calendar.


Family Focus 12/10/21

date 12/14/2021 author Kris Sauer category December 2021, 2021-22 comment Leave a comment

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)

December 10, 2021

Dear BA Families:

Blessed second week of Advent. Campus ministry gathered us for our weekly Advent prayer prior to Mass. As you celebrate at home, here are some additional family Advent resources, click "Advent." In addition, we invite you to join us for our Christmas concerts. Our Choirs will perform this Sunday, Dec. 12 at 2 p.m. in IC Church and our Band concert will be Monday at 7 p.m. in the BA Gymnasium.

Snow Days: Today is our first snow day. For our first 2 snow days we will have "no school days" - no online learning. Any additional snow days will be online learning days. Like today, we follow Faribault Public Schools in calling a snow day. If you did not receive a notice via text or email please let the office know. We also post on our website and on Facebook when this occurs. In addition, all of today's evening activities are canceled. Today is a school scheduled "red day" - therefore, Monday will be our "red day." Students are also reminded to bring their $1 as we moved "Ugly Sweater Day" to Monday. Bring $2 if your scholar wants to wear a hat or leggings.

COVID Updates: Masks remain required in classes as an additional mitigation strategy for our final week prior to break. This week BA had no additional positive COVID cases; we have two active COVID cases and four additional students required to quarantine. Since the start of the year we have had 35 total positive student cases and 6 staff test positive. Please help us stay in-person by following these mitigation strategies. Bishop Hebda recently urged additional mitigation strategies for large indoor gatherings. See his Dec 1 letter HERE and his Dec 9 Video HERE. ADDITIONAL MASK DONATIONS NEEDED! Please bring to the front office if you are able to help.


  • BA BASH Raffle 2021: Great stocking stuffers! Prizes are $2021, $1021 and $521. One more week to get your ticket! Please order HERE or call and email the office. Drawing held December 31.
  • Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift. The stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more. To date they are over $6 million!
  • Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $89,400 with a match of $50,000! Our goal is $255,000 for critical needs of our school. Please consider a donation through June 2022: Donate Online (click) 

KUDOS: To all of our basketball teams and coaches as they begin the season! Also, we wish to congratulate our coop sports members in wrestling, hockey, dance line and swimming for their hard work in getting off to a great start! Special congratulations to our Students of the Month in specialist classes: Cecilia Azelton, Carter Pavek, Claire Wisdo, Aiden Tobin, Aubrey Howard, Kacie Hofius, Caiden Lamphere, and Michael Crone.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.

  • Dec. 12: BA Choir Christmas Concert, 2pm, IC Church
  • Dec. 13: BA Band Christmas Concert, 7pm, Van Orsow Auditorium
  • Dec. 13: SADD Ugly Sweater Dress Down Day (rescheduled)
  • Dec 13: Post-Prom Dining Night Out @ Basilleo's - see below 
  • Dec. 15: Knowledge Bowl meet @ Rochester
  • Dec. 16: Prom Dining Night Out @ A&W - see below
  • Dec. 17: Rome Trip Dress Down Day; FFA Competition Day
  • Dec 20-Jan 2: Christmas Break - No School
  • Jan 7: Youth Basketball Night @ Girls home game - see below
  • Jan. 13 - 8:30 a.m.: Spelling Bee
  • Find our event school calendar on our website HERE 
  • The Salvation Army needs bell ringers: Sign up here
Prayers for speedy recoveries for any person with COVID and for families struggling during this time. Join me in prayers this Advent as staff prays each week by following Fr. Toups videos - Advent Week 2
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal


Staff Xmas Lunch Help: Home and School needs your help! We are hosting our annual Christmas Luncheon for the BA Faculty and Staff Thursday, Dec 16 and are looking for donations of your time and treats! If you can help, please sign up HERE

Rome Trip Bake Sale Dec 19: BA students going on a pilgrimage to Rome this June, are hosting a bake sale at Divine Mercy Catholic Church to fundraise their trip. Please stop by after the 8am and 10am Masses on December 19 to support these students and get delicious treats! 

Mental Health Resources: We know that at this time we are seeing an increase in the mental health needs of our scholars. Here is a link to Rice County resources

Prom/Post-Prom Fundraisers
The Junior Class is hosting several fundraisers to raise money for Prom; Junior and senior parents are likewise hosting several fundraisers for the Post-Prom event. See below for dates and information:

  • CANCELED Dec 10-& 11 Post-Prom Apple Pies @ Hy-Vee: Hy-Vee had a supply chain issue; we have had to cancel this fundraiser.
  • Dec 13 Post-Prom Dining Night Out @ Basilleo's; 10% of all purchases Monday, Dec 13 from 4-10pm - including gift cards! - will go back to the BA After Prom Party. Take-out and delivery will be available in addition to dining in the restaurant. 
  • Dec. 16: Prom Dining Night Out @ A&W - a portion of all sales from 4pm to close - both in the restaurant and via the drive through - will go towards BA's 2022 Prom hosted by the Junior Class.

Online School Store Launched @ Star Sports & Apparel! BA has opened at school store at Star Sports and Apparel. Orders are filled as they are placed, so purchase your BA gear any time! Click HERE to for all the great options!

Holiday Scrip Now Available! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.

January Youth Basketball Nights: Youth basketball teams, prospective Cardinals, DMCS families all invited to join us! Sign up HERE.  

Home Basketball Game Help Needed:  Many volunteers are needed to help at home basketball games this winter.  Please consider sharing your time and talent in support of our student activities!


Aim Higher Foundation K-8 Scholarships: Every year, students at Bethlehem Academy (Faribault, MN) receive tuition assistance scholarships from the Aim Higher Foundation. We would like to thank the many donors and friends who help make our great school accessible to all families! Learn more HERE


Part-time Positions @ Bethlehem Academy
Interested in a part-time position? Bethlehem Academy is currently hiring a BA van driver for driver for daily student transportation. Click HERE for more information. We also have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.

Rice County Vaccination Clinic Dec 14
Rice County is providing free COVID -19 vaccinations at the Faribault Middle School Tues, Dec 14 from 3:30-5:30pm. Find information in English HERE and in Spanish HERE

PetSmart is hiring!  Click HERE for a flyer with more information. 

Free Meals for Students

Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE

Click the link below for the calendar.


Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949