College Planning: Where to Start

As you begin researching colleges and thinking about life after high school, you may have many questions:

Should I take the PSAT?
How do I find colleges I might like?
How many schools should I visit?
When do I start applying for college?
How many times should I take the ACT?

These (and many more) can be answered by looking through the resources below, spending some time exploring Naviance, and talking to your counselor!

Determining what life after high school will look like for you takes some prayerful thinking and research. Check out the Naviance College SuperMatch to find colleges that you might be interested in and the Naviance Career Interest Profiler to find careers you might enjoy.

Which courses should I take in high school?

Many students have questions about how many years of math, science, or a foreign language they should take in high school to get accepted to their preferred school. Below is a chart outlining possible college paths a student might take and the recommended years by subject. In addition to the number of years, students should consider the rigor of their course load when registering for classes.
Chart of recommended/required courses by post-secondary path

College Information Packet Contents
College Admission Glossary
Family Action Plan: 12th Grade
College: How to Get There From Here
Assessing Your List of Colleges
Finding a College Match: For Parents
Finding the Perfect College: For Students

Big Future (College Board Resource:  find colleges, explore careers, review paying for college)
Ready Set Go!

I think I found my college, now what?
Campus Visit Checklist
College Admissions Essay: Dos and Don'ts
How to Write A College Application Essay

20 Questions to Ask About Financing College
Financial Aid Fast Facts
12 Myths About Paying for College

ACT Test Info:
The ACT at a Glance


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Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
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